Den svenske zombie kort-film Zone 261 er før blevet nævnt på men jeg synes jeg alligevel at den skulle nævnes her også, da den nu har fået international omtale på Quiet Earth.

Filmen foregår i fremtidens Sverige og tager udgangspunkt i et byen Landskrona (hvilket jo er tæt på Danmark må man sige!). Indtil videre har teamet bag færdigjort en 5 min lang kortfilm som kan ses online, men en fuld længde film forventes at kunne ses i biograferne engang i 2012.

Læs hele indlægget for at læse mere om Zone 261 og se kortfilmen.

“Landskrona, Sweden, 2013. A ship crashes into the harbor dock. Police enter the wreck – and are attacked by the infected crew. Bitten policemen fall in a coma – and wake up as rabid monsters.

The disease spreads like a wildfire. Everyone tries to escape.

But the city is quarantined – the military erects a concrete wall around the city. The few non-infected – Swedes and immigrants alike – take shelter in the citadel.

As the infected try to claw their way into their sanctuary, the non-infected have to decide who the worst monsters are: their former enemies inside – or the infected on the outside.

As the tension inside the citadel escalate to boiling point, the non-infected, in order to survive, have to decide if they view their former enemies as monsters – or as brothers and sisters; if they see each other as immigrants and Swedes – or as fellow humans. “


ZONE 261 – Trailer from ZON 261 on Vimeo.